
FRINGS receives awards

2012-10-31  From: Frings (Xuzhou) Trade Co., Ltd. Browsing times:681

FRINGS receives the award

for “Best Machinery and Process Equipment Supplier”

Adapted from www.frings.com


At one of the most important import and export fairs for the food industry in China, the “China International Condiments and Food Additives Expo 2012” FRINGS received the first award for “Best Machinery and Process Equipment Supplier”…

At the "China International Condiments & Foodadditives Expo 2012" with several hundred renowned exhibitors in two exhibition halls the visitors had not only the possibility to get information about the products such as vinegars, sauces, nutraceuticals, yeast extracts, glutamat e and other amino acids, but there have been established important business relationships too.  

Although FRINGS as a German Technology Company is facing very fierce competition from local competitors as well as from international competitors, this award shows that the capital goods market of China does not only estimate the most cheap products, but it does also estimate long life products of high quality. Furthermore the intensively dealing with country specific products and production methods as well as an intensive customer loyalty represent in China (and not only there) the blocks for the sales success of technologically high sophisticated products made in Germany.

CFE exhibition awards

                  Image I: a picture of the medal

CFE exhibition awards     Image II: the award ceremony

Keywords: CFE exhibition awards           

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